About TPC — RUD Chain USA

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erlau tire Protection chains (TPC)

Erlau is a premium brand that is a part of the RUD group. From new adaptations of long-established welding, forging and heat treating technology, Erlau has developed renowned tire protection and traction chains that have become today’s essential tools throughout the demanding industries of mining, quarrying, scrap handling, steel making, and demolition.

After more than 70 years of refinement and innovation, Erlau supplies tire protection and traction to more than 65% of the world’s market. After decades-long development and research, as well as guidance from collaborations with industry operators, Erlau has achieved preeminence in the market with a wide range of chains designed for the vast array of challenges that on-site conditions present.

As the world market leader and inventor of tire protection chains, Erlau provides the best technical know-how, the highest quality, and the most comprehensive product range. We offer the right solution for every application and the best support and customer service.

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what is TPC?

TPC is a closed mesh of high alloy, hardened steel chains. These systems protect the tread and sidewalls of the tires, and their flexible designs allow them to adjust to every deformation of the tire. High levels of self- cleaning prevents tread mesh from becoming filled and clogged and provides for the best possible road holding and traction.

why tpc?

Sharp, jagged rocks and muddy and slippery surfaces are a significant hazard to tires—even when they are new. Sudden tire failure results in equipment downtime, loss of productivity, and delays in projects. Currently, there is no sign of an end to the worldwide earthmover tire shortage, which fuels the escalation of tire replacement costs. Premature deterioration of tires is a costly inconvenience.

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